!!Kids, Kids, and Stress!! ----------------------------------------------- Here is where you will learn about the life of a stay home mom and her kids. I hope to help others in my situation as well as receive some pointers here and there. Laughter, Frustration, Sadness, Sillieness. That is what you will see here. ENJOY!! |
* Author * ![]() From::Orlando, Florida, United States So you want to know about me...LOL I am a mom, I am a girl, I am also a nut case! LOL. I am a stay home mommy, which allows me to hold SEVERAL job titles. I used to say *Live for the moment* but now I live for my kids. I find it amazing how the birth of a new life can flip your world up-side-down while causing ,mass confusion. Yet, at the same time you love it love and cherish every second of it. View my complete profile . : Calendar : . . : Recent Posts : . Why Do Kids Love Playing In The Dirt So Much? Hey There!Meet my kids, Branden is 5 and starts sc... . : Archives : . July 2005 August 2005 November 2005 December 2005 . : My Other Sites : . My Blog In Memory Of... MySpace Blog . : Stuff To Check Out : . Quizes D*ana's Dirt . : Special Thanx : . Blogger Template By Caz Imageshack |
Friday, July 29, 2005Addiction?Not me... LOL, ok so I am stuck staring at the screen on my phone trying to crush Josh's scores on Tetris. This has been going on for almost a month now. It's funny when he sees me open my phone he just rolls his eyes and lets out this annoying sigh. I usually smirk and say *You started it all*. Anyways! This is supposed to be about the kids or about me being a mommy or something....... Well can someone PLEASE tell me WHY little baby girls must scream? I don't mean cry or whine, I mean flat out break the windows and any glass within a 8 mile radius SCREAM! That's Alicia's favorite past time. It's nothing new, she's been screaming since her head popped out, but now it's a bit different. She is 10 times worse than any 2 year old I have ever seen in my life! You wanna know why? I'll tell you... "Be careful what you wish for" Seriously! If your mom or anyone has ever given you that warning, I strongly suggest you heed it. I love my babie gurl don't get me wrong. She is smart, beautiful, sweet as can be (sometimes) but she has this ear piercing scream for no reason. Well, she has a reason I just don't see any validity in her point. She is what we affectionately refer to as a BWA baby with attitude. She is all about her daddy. It used to depress me because I always wanted a little girl and she wants nothing to do with me, unless I am the only ine here with her. If she is getting into stuff and I have to keep telling her no or something, I usually tell her to chill and put her in her playpen. As soon as her little feet hit the floor of her playpen she takes a HUGE breath and lets out this God awful scream until she turns purple. Each scream lasts about 90 seconds. Seriously! Does anyone else have this problem? On a lighter note...When I lived in Tampa for a while and being a stay home mom leaves you with a lot of time on your hands. So one day I am listening to the radio and one of the DJ's is talking about her Baby Journal on the raido's website. She was pregnant at the time. Well anyways, she would encourage listeners to read the journal and share stories. So one day I was bored and was like sure, why not. Well, I started to read and I was laughing and sympathizing and sharing stories and everything. She and I would swap emails and all then one night we were talking on AIM and she went into labor! So now me and other listeners are swapping stories and giving pointers encouragement blah blah blah. One day I emailed her telling her that I was leaving my man because I needed a bit of soul searching. It was a hard thing for me to do but I had a REALLY bad year. After Alicia was born I almost died and had an emergency hysterectomy. So being 22 with no uterus and no chance of ever carrying another child hit hard and painfully. After a while I couldn't deal anymore, so I ran to hide in the mountains and figure myself out. I didn't go online or talk to many people other than Josh and my mom, I truly needed to find myself, as cliche as it sounds. When I began to find me, I ventured online to try and catch up on the outside world. I found out that my online mom friend was no linger a DJ at that radio station. I was crushed. Not because she wasn't there, more of I realized that in the process of trying to find myself and better my life, I had lost a lot. I missed out on much of the world my God daughter, my best friend, mom, dad, sister, Dawn. If I knew Dawn was going to die I would have made more of an effort to stick around. Yet at the same time, that may have made the pain of her moving on much more intense. So I came back. I wasn't sure how long I would be here, if it was right for me to do it. I was ashamed of myself now. I ripped my family apart and took my kids far from the only family they had ever known. Even though we gained another family and were loved unconditionally where we were, it didn't sit right. When I looked for my DJ friend again, I found out she had moved upstate, then to SC and now she is in New England! I stumbled upon her blogs and email on it, so now I am catching up on the gossip and the milestones she and her baby girl have made. Turns out she needed some soul searching as well. From what I have read she is feel a lot of what I felt. I know how hard it is to do that to yourself, your family, and your kids. So right now I hope that maybe we will talk online again and I will be able to encourage her once more. I kind of like having gone through all the hardships in my life because it has made me a little stronger and now I am able to share it with others and possibly help people who may end up in a similar situation than I once was. I think I have ranted enough for one day! LOL ~(~@ !!!PeAcE BaBeS!!! @~)~ ~M~ : 9:47 AM : 0 Desufnoc: ![]() Leave Confusion / Or Read Others |