!!Kids, Kids, and Stress!! ----------------------------------------------- Here is where you will learn about the life of a stay home mom and her kids. I hope to help others in my situation as well as receive some pointers here and there. Laughter, Frustration, Sadness, Sillieness. That is what you will see here. ENJOY!! |
* Author * ![]() From::Orlando, Florida, United States So you want to know about me...LOL I am a mom, I am a girl, I am also a nut case! LOL. I am a stay home mommy, which allows me to hold SEVERAL job titles. I used to say *Live for the moment* but now I live for my kids. I find it amazing how the birth of a new life can flip your world up-side-down while causing ,mass confusion. Yet, at the same time you love it love and cherish every second of it. View my complete profile . : Calendar : . . : Recent Posts : . What's The Obbsession... Addiction? Why Do Kids Love Playing In The Dirt So Much? Hey There!Meet my kids, Branden is 5 and starts sc... . : Archives : . July 2005 August 2005 November 2005 December 2005 . : My Other Sites : . My Blog In Memory Of... MySpace Blog . : Stuff To Check Out : . Quizes D*ana's Dirt . : Special Thanx : . Blogger Template By Caz Imageshack |
Friday, August 05, 2005READY!!!!! SET!!!!!! VENT!!!!!!I abso-f*ing-lutly hate the public school system and their f*ed up zones! Here we go… We live on a zoning border, we live in a nice area not in the hood and a rather quiet place. A few blocks away is a school that is K-8 *damn near unheard of in FL* and it is a SUPER nice school! They are making A’s on FCATs and have been rated an A school for 3 years straight now. HOWEVER!!!!!!!!! We are zoned for a school 15 minutes away, it’s in the F*ING GHETTO and there is a 20 foot sink hole in the parking lot! WTF?!?!?! Josh said he would sell organs on E-Bay before we sent our kids there. I went straight to the school board and was all like yeah…I told the RETARDS in charge of pupil assignment that my son has to go to a school much closer to our home because I CANNOT DRIVE A DAMN CAR!!!!! Yes, I still do not have a DL. For those of you who don’t know why…I have crappy vision and they can’t correct it with glasses because I have another problem that makes my eyes shake and I am totally unable to focus of the eye charts at the DR. So, on that note, here in hellish FL you must have 20/40 to drive or 20/70 with a note from a licensed ophthalmologist. I have the latter of the two but I haven’t gotten the chance to go get my license yet, not to mention I don’t even want to think about car-in-case-shit. Back to what I am ranting about…School board said hell no. So we sat there and tried to meet the criteria for another transfer but we are a little short here. Now that our little angel boy is supposed to start school on Monday and he has yet to be registered in a damn school, we are pissed. I am going round and round with these damn people all day. We caved and started looking at private schools…. HELL-MO-FO-NO!!!!! Finding a private school that is not Christian is flipping impossible! We went for an interview at this place called The Master’s Academy yesterday. What a mess of a nightmare. We knew they were Christian based, they said they were non denominational, they are burning in hell for lying to a member of the clergy! Yeah, that’s right! I AM A REVEREND! I was first ordained in February of 2004. I do not throw God in people’s faces and I am not a holy roller. Basically the church I went through asked all I do is spread the word in my own way. And that I do. I have had many conversations on Him and voiced my opinion on how screwed up religion has become. Anywho! These people at this school are all about God. Fine! But DO NOT teach my 5 year old kindergarten son that he is going to burn in eternal torment and torched on his first day of school. They are all like “we believe in the written word and no other word, we believe in what the Bible says directly” NO YOU FREAKIN DON’T . If you did then you would not teach poor little kids that God doesn’t love his “lost” children. So me and this stupid _______ ß--(insert word of choice) had it out for a while and decided that I should keep my 75 bux for his application and go elsewhere. I am so totally going to call their bluff. Their little admissions statement states that they accept any child regardless of race, color, religion, blah blah blah…And apparently this stupid ______ ß (again) didn’t follow her own rules. That school is going to hell in a handbag with their name printed on the handle. Sorry, this just gets to me. So last night we went online to look for more schools and see what’s up. So does Josh stay home today? NO! I told him flat out last night that he NEEDS to stay home if he wants his son to start school next week. We need to get him enrolled! And I get up this morning, look around the house, but no Josh. Two freaky kids, but no Joshua! Ok, I am going to go smack myself in the head a few times and wish I were somewhere else, perhaps running through fields of Daisies and Fireflies. A place where life in fact IS always rainbows and butterflies. ~M~ : 11:54 AM : 0 Desufnoc: ![]() Leave Confusion / Or Read Others |