!!Kids, Kids, and Stress!! ----------------------------------------------- Here is where you will learn about the life of a stay home mom and her kids. I hope to help others in my situation as well as receive some pointers here and there. Laughter, Frustration, Sadness, Sillieness. That is what you will see here. ENJOY!! |
* Author * ![]() From::Orlando, Florida, United States So you want to know about me...LOL I am a mom, I am a girl, I am also a nut case! LOL. I am a stay home mommy, which allows me to hold SEVERAL job titles. I used to say *Live for the moment* but now I live for my kids. I find it amazing how the birth of a new life can flip your world up-side-down while causing ,mass confusion. Yet, at the same time you love it love and cherish every second of it. View my complete profile . : Calendar : . . : Recent Posts : . So here is my little boy's very first school pict... WTF First Day of What?????? Downward spiral... READY!!!!! SET!!!!!! VENT!!!!!! What's The Obbsession... Addiction? Why Do Kids Love Playing In The Dirt So Much? Hey There!Meet my kids, Branden is 5 and starts sc... . : Archives : . July 2005 August 2005 November 2005 December 2005 . : My Other Sites : . My Blog In Memory Of... MySpace Blog . : Stuff To Check Out : . Quizes D*ana's Dirt . : Special Thanx : . Blogger Template By Caz Imageshack |
Sunday, November 06, 2005My Little BRATOk, so Alicia wakes up in the worst possible mood today. She is just yelling and screaming about cookies. Its 8:30 in the damn morning and all she can think about is a cookie. I am sick. I have a sore throat and my glands are so swollen that I can’t turn my friggin head, but Alicia is bound and determined to get a bag of cookies. Be proud of me fellow mothers, I held my ground. As bad as I wanted to just give her the damn Oreos and call it quits but I didn’t. She stood in the middle of the kitchen and screamed at the top of her lungs for 20 minutes. *MOMMY! I WANT COOKIES* If you didn’t know her you would have thought someone was trying to murder the poor kid. So I went about my morning crapola. Made myself some coffee had a smoke, ya know…normal morning stuff. However, I did get really close to cracking open the bottle of Bacardi in my room after 10 minutes of nonstop screaming. About 10 minutes or so into this fit of hers, she changes tune. She went from wanting cookies to *I WANT CHIPS* I told her the same thing I told her about the cookies, no cereal no snacks. I told her she needs to eat her cereal first. So after a while she goes into the cereal cabinet and gets a box of Honey Bunches of Oats. Fine with me. About 10 minutes later, Branden comes running out of the room yelling *Mommy! Alicia has your coffee!* I’m all like *no* I was holding the cup I just made. So then I remembered. Josh made a pot of late night coffee after dinner and the cup I made was still in the bedroom on the night stand. Well, Miss. Thing over here decides she wants to pour the coffee into her cereal. So she left a trail of coffee from my night stand, out the door, down the hall, into her room, and onto her little desk where she was sitting. I don’t know what kind of coffee everyone else drinks but I get the French Vanilla flavored stuff that smells really bad if it dries on something…like the floor. It smells like dried coffee and syrup. What a morning! And of course this cookie outburst popped up sporadically throughout the day. She has just been a B R A T! Then she bit Branden on his arm. I haven’t heard him scream like that since he took a header down the stairs! She left a big purple bite mark with every little impression of her teeth around it. I don’t know how to deal with her anymore! She pulls this crap like once or twice a week and every time it gets a little worse. But when Branden isn’t around she is fine. A little angel girl. But because if all this BS she pulls it is so hard for me to see past my anger and see the angel before me. But I take advantage of her angelic moments and know there is an outburst right around the corner waiting for me. Whatever. ~M~ : 3:25 PM : 0 Desufnoc: ![]() Leave Confusion / Or Read Others |